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Enrollment Procedures

Enrollment Procedures

*Parents wishing to enroll must present the following documents to Ms. Melissa Rousey in the Skyview Elementary front office.

All Bibb County Public Schools are fully accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and meet curriculum requirements of the QBE (State Quality Basic Education Program).

School Admission Requirements

Students shall be admitted to the Bibb County School District when all legal requirements are verified at the time of entrance. Reasonable and sufficient public notice is given at the beginning of each school year of the information required for students who will enter school in this district.

The following items are required:

1. Birth Certificate

The birth certificate must be an official certified copy. Students who present themselves for enrollment without the required birth certificate may be provisionally admitted to school and granted up to thirty (30) days within which to present an official certified birth certificate.

2. Georgia Certificate of Ear, Eye, and Dental Examinations

The official Georgia EED certificate may be obtained from one's private physician or a county health department. Note: The Macon-Bibb County Health Department is at 171 Emery Highway. No appointment is necessary.

3. Georgia Certificate of Immunization

The official Georgia immunization certificate may be obtained from a private physician or a county health department. See note in #2 above.

4. Proof of Residence

Proof of residence is required so that a child may be assigned to a school in his/her school zone. Any one of the following items will meet the requirement as long as it contains the name of the parent/guardian, and a street address (a post office box is unacceptable): current telephone, gas, water, electric or cable bill on proper letterhead.

5. Official Social Security Card

The State of Georgia has enacted certain legal requirements involving furnishing the social security number of all students enrolled or seeking enrollment in this school district. A parent may comply with this law by exhibiting the official copy of the child's social security number to the principal or objecting to the incorporation of a social security number in the child's records by signing a waiver form which will be furnished by the school. A permanent student identification number shall be assigned in each case in which the social security number is not furnished.

6. Withdrawal Slip From Previous School Attended

Any student who has attended school prior to seeking enrollment in Bibb County should have a withdrawal slip which was given to them when they left their previous school. Students may be provisionally admitted without the withdrawal slip for up to thirty (30) days. However, it is the responsibility of the student and his/her parents to take care of any obligations or other requirements imposed by the prior system which are a precondition to obtaining the student's cumulative folder. Grade placement and/or course credits cannot be finalized without the cumulative folder and or official permanent record card.

Administrative Rule: JBC-AR
Legal Ref: O.C.G.A, 20-2-150(d); 20-2-240